Visit us at 2612 County Road 2, Keene Ontario. We're on the north side of County Road 2 between Mathers Corners and Hiawatha Line.

Tuesday 28 July 2020

Dorisdale Farm 2020 Season

How can it be July already?  We'll do our best to get back to a couple of Dorisdale blog posts.  It's an exiting year with sweet corn season well underway, our freezers full of Dorisdale beef, garlic harvested and more veggies arriving daily at the table. 2020 also marks 100 years since the Doris' moved to our farm.  More on that to come!

With COVID-19, we appreciate everyone's understanding as we implement new public health measures for us to keep everyone safe and well.  Please screen yourself for COVD-19 symptoms before arriving.  We do have a sign to remind you.  Please use hand sanitizer as you enter the "store door". We ask everyone to keep physically and socially distanced at least 2 meters.  We have some markings to help navigate this.  We will be pre-bagging your corn and veggies.  Know that we pick everything fresh daily so you're only getting the best. Most importantly, if you are ill, please do take care of yourself and stay home.

We are also launching our on-line store at for placing on-line orders and payment for contact-less farm pick-up.  Feel free to give it a try!

While it's sweet corn season, we've had requests for the recipe for one of our zucchini meals.  Ella loves Shanghai Noodles with Spicy Beef Sauce (it's not really that spicy).  We had the best intentions to make something else for dinner but her persistence and offering to make it sealed the deal.  It doesn't call for spiralized zucchini but that's the great thing about zucchini - you can add it to anything and everything (Check our out Zucchini Palooza post from last year).

We'll try to add some more of our Dorisdale Family Favourites to the blog this year.  Hope you like them as much as we do!  To all my Valley Family - there's bound to be a few of my Mom's recipes too - as you know, she was the best in the kitchen.
Spicy beef sauce (with lots of zucchini!!) cooking
before adding to cooked noodles.  

Shanghai Noodles with Spicy Beef Sauce

1 lb Dorisdale ground beef
2-3 cloves Dorisdale garlic, minced
2 tsp fresh ginger, minced
1/4 tsp crushed red pepper flakes (or more to taste)
1 1/2 cups chopped onion
1 cup red or green pepper, chopped
1 cup diced or minced carrots (if you really want to load up the veggies!)
Spiralized or diced zucchini - as much as you can take!!
1/2 cup chicken broth (divided)
1/3 cup hoisin sauce
1/4 cup soy sauce
1/4 cup dry sherry or beef broth
2 tbsp corn starch
cooked and drained noodles (delicious with a fine noodle like spaghetti or vermicelli)
1 tsp sesame oil
peanuts (optional)
Sriracha sauce (option - Liam's addition)

In fry pan or wok, cook ground beef.  Add onions, peppers, garlic, ginger and red pepper flakes.  Stir fry until onion is translucent. Add zucchini.  In a small bowl, combine 1/4 cup chicken broth, hoisin sauce, soy sauce and sherry/broth.  Stir into meat and veggie mixture.  Cover, reduce heat and simmer for 10 minutes, stirring every few minutes.  Dissolve cornstarch in remaining chicken broth.  Slowly stir into mixture; cook and stir until the sauce is thick.  Add sesame oil to cooked/drained pasta on a serving plate/bowl.  Pour sauce over top and toss gently to combine.  (True confessions - we usually just dump it into the pot the pasta cooked in). Serve with topped green onions and peanuts.
Note:  Depending on how many people you're serving for dinner, you may need to double the amount of sauce...especially if you're hoping for leftovers for tomorrow's lunch!

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